  • 营销师2022模拟考试练习题233

    与本题的问题没有必然的因果关系。解析:called in意为“回收”;called off意为“取消”;called up 意为“召集,打电话,使人想起”;called on意为“访问(某人)”。解析:木雕属于一种艺术,也是一种手艺。其他选项的内容在
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师人机对话每日一练(08月22日)

    Joe: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week? Nancy: I'm pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? ______. Joe: OK. Wednesday in two weeks.Mrs
  • 营销师2022试题单选答案+解析(08.22)

    In the last sentence, the word "bust" most probably means ______.the upper part of one's body# self-portrait painting clothes解析:应该正确理解出现本词汇的最后一个句子“A few even accepted commissions
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师考试试题库(3W)

    She got a ______ job while she was waiting to go to the university.Wood carving refers to the art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool. This form. of art h
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师专项练习每日一练(08月21日)

    Mrs. White is different from her friends who were ______.He was in a hurry and left things in a real ______.Martin: Can you cover for me on Sunday? I'm supposed to teach the high school class. Lisa: S
  • 营销师2022试题详细答案(08.21)

    When the manager told her that she was the lucky customer, Mrs. White would be ______.very tired happier than ever before rather sad# enthusiastic解析:本题为一道推理题。由于仅仅是她忘买的茶是免费的,
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师模拟考试232

    愚昧的”,告知”。解析:本题的依据句是文章的第一个句子“Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chines
  • 营销师2022考试试题试卷(2W)

    Mrs. White's husband tried to ______.Wood carving refers to the art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool. This form. of art has a history of over 1,000 yea
  • 职业资格考试2022营销师专业知识每日一练(08月20日)

    Even if it ______ this afternoon, I will go there.We can infer by this label that ______.How many tablets should one take before he goes to sleep?Which of the following objects was an important woodwo
  • 营销师2022试题答案解析(08.20)

    Medicine DirectionsThe passage suggests that the early shops for making tools were ______.Take two tablets with warm water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For maximum nighttime
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师模拟考试题免费下载231

    Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music? Charles: No, I don't. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right. Tom: ______ Charles: No, really.Most of the p
  • 职业资格考试2022营销师历年考试试题集锦(1W)

    Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often ne
  • 2022营销师冲刺密卷答案(08.19)

    Jim: I have a pair of tickets for an opera Saturday night. Would you like to go? Cindy: I don't think so. ______.According to the second paragraph, the 50 to 60 booking phone calls are from those who
  • 营销师2022每日一练海量练习(08月19日)

    She got a ______ job while she was waiting to go to the university.Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized how late it was. I'm afraid I'll have to be going. Host: Oh, not yet. I'm just going to make some coffee
  • 职业资格考试2022营销师模拟考试冲刺试题230

    依据句为“Unlike her friends, however,she never lost heart.”其中lose heart =lose hope。此句意为“她从来都是满怀希望,谓语动词一般用单数。解析:本题也是一个推理题,所以消费者应该对此多加小心不上当。其他的
  • 营销师2022历年考试试题试卷(0W)

    Mrs. White is different from her friends who were ______.According to the passage, the first settlers used wood for their utensils and tools because it was ______.easily satisfied not always hopeful#
  • 2022营销师试题详细答案(08.18)

    According to the second paragraph, the 50 to 60 booking phone calls are from those who ______.did not know the result wanted to gamble on the result believed that Beijing would be the winner# are IOC
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师易错易混每日一练(08月18日)

    Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often ne
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师模拟考试系统229

    Mrs. White is different from her friends who were ______.Science is still ______ of the causes of many kinds of cancer.Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized how late it was. I'm afraid I'll have to be going. H
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师试题答案公布(08.17)

    Mrs. White is different from her friends who were ______.easily satisfied not always hopeful# sure to succeed not interested in free food解析:本题题干上的信号词为different和friends,依据句为“Unlike he
  • 2022营销师考试试题下载(9V)

    Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often ne
  • 2022营销师相关专业每日一练(08月17日)

    She got a ______ job while she was waiting to go to the university.I don't know his address, ______.The passage suggests that the early shops for making tools were ______.steady attractive temporary#
  • 2022营销师模拟考试228

    依据句为“Unlike her friends,并不是经常满怀希望”。解析:本题的依据句是文章的第一个句子“Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during th
  • 2022营销师试题详细答案(08.16)

    Which of the following objects was an important woodworking tool used by early American craftsmen?A bust A decoy A figurehead A chisel#解析:应该在文章中找到每一个选项的单词在文中出现的地方,然后判断出
  • 2022营销师模拟系统227

    还指“不知道的”;unconscious意为“失去知觉的,意识到的”;informed意为“获悉,告知”。解析:该句为独立主格结构,but she just wouldn't listen.”本句话的主要意思为丈夫不让她为了中奖而购买不必要的东西,take two ta
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师考试试题下载(8V)

    All the people who went to the new supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for his shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师人机对话每日一练(08月16日)

    What matters ______ not winning but participating.Which of the following can we infer from the passage?Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs ______ carefully in her hands.According to the passage, the
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师考试试题(08月15日)

    Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often ne
  • 2022营销师试题案例分析题答案(08.15)

    Wang (guest): That was a delicious dinner. Mrs. Willis (hostess): ______. Would you like to go to the living room now? It's more comfortable there.Thank you. Don't mention it You're welcome Not so del
  • 职业资格考试2022营销师历年考试试题汇总(7V)

    Mrs. White is different from her friends who were ______.Joe: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week? Nancy: I'm pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two week
  • 职业资格考试2022营销师模拟在线题库226

    混合物”;mass意为“一块”;confusion意为“混乱,混淆”。解析:在otherwise或or引导的并列分句中用虚拟语气。此时,otherwise或or引导的并列句相当于非真实性条件句中的主语部分,因而在 otherwise引导的分句中要用与现
  • 2022营销师提分加血每日一练(08月13日)

    Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital. The luxurious and recently-renovated Beij
  • 营销师2022考试试题试卷(5V)

    Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often ne
  • 职业资格考试2022营销师终极模拟试卷224

  • 营销师2022考试试题(08月12日)

    Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often ne
  • 2022营销师冲刺密卷多选题正确答案(08.12)

    Martin: Can you cover for me on Sunday? I'm supposed to teach the high school class. Lisa: Sure. ______ ? Martin: We're going to the beach for the weekend. Lisa: Well, don't worry. I'll take good care
  • 营销师2022往年考试试题(4V)

    All the people who went to the new supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for his shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It
  • 2022职业资格考试营销师模拟考试冲刺试题223

    愚昧的”,还指“不知道的”;unconscious意为“失去知觉的,不省人事的;无意识的”;conscious意为“有知觉的,意识到的”;informed意为“获悉,符合题意;B.I'm not too interested about opera.介词搭配不对;C.I'm not
  • 2022营销师职称晋升每日一练(08月11日)

    All the people who went to the new supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for his shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It
  • 2022营销师冲刺密卷共用题干题解析(08.11)

    In the last sentence, the word "bust" most probably means ______.the upper part of one's body# self-portrait painting clothes解析:应该正确理解出现本词汇的最后一个句子“A few even accepted commissions
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